Thursday, March 6, 2008


Giselly Tagged me, and Allen said if I didn't respond then he would do a tag for me... so here goes:

1. I love to see a movie on opening weekend when it is the top movie for that weekend. I like to feel like I am part of the group that made the movie so popular. I actually just love the whole movie experience... getting a drink and popcorn and of course the biggest size so you can get a free refill on your $10 popcorn. Aaah... I love the movies.

2. I admit it. I booby trap the house. I know Allen thinks this might be a tad crazy, but he seems resigned to the fact. (Although, last time he went out of town he did refuse to push the couch in front of the front door.) I make up new traps all the time, and one morning when Allen walked out of our bedroom, all the bedroom and laundry room doors were closed with various items stacked strategically against them to make a loud noise if the door was opened. For some reason Allen thought this was funny and took a picture.

3. I also love watching movies at home, but when I'm not watching movies, I watch Law and Order reruns. Allen got me hooked when we first got married, but then he got burned out and now hates it. It's great because you can watch it from 4-10 almost every night. I only like the original, I had to stop watching Criminal intent and SVU, (and CSI and City Confidential for that matter) because it seemed to be contributing to my paranoia. See above.

4. I am a makeup junkie. If I could have any job in the world, I would have my own makeup line. Or, I would like to sample all sorts of makeup creams, products eyeshadows and let everyone know which ones were the best. It's also no secret that shopping is probably my favorite past time, so if I could be paid as a personal shopper that would also be a dream job. If those never happened, as nerdy as it sounds, I'd be an accountant. Fortunately I am an accountant so things have worked out well for me.

5. My favorite thing ever is to hear "news" and be the first one to tell everyone. My favorite is to be the first to tell Allen. When I say news, I mean things like when stars are pregnant or when Britney Spears shaves her head. I get extremely disappointed if he already knows something that I am excited to tell him. He has actually started pretending he doesn't know things he thinks I would like to tell him. He then pretends he is very surprised and he can't believe what I am telling him.

6. When I start reading, I can't stop. I get completely absorbed and am completely unproductive. Recently I finally decided to read the Twilight series. I'm not one to read vampire love stories, and I thought Allen might make fun of me, so I didn't broadcast it. He is however very observant and immediately began relentless teasing, biting and telling me how tasty I smelled. The picture below is just one example of what I had to deal with the entire week it took me to read the series.

7. A few of my favorite things: Cheese, Oriental salad with macadamia chicken from Kona Grill, Dr. Pepper, and squishing Allen's cheeks. He doesn't love this so much, but after five years at least he knows it means I love him. I CAN'T WAIT TO have our own little boy to squish and kiss his cheeks to my heart's content. In fact, I have really embraced the boy idea because Allen is quite lovable and it will be like there are two of him to love... except I get to boss one around.

I tag Allen.


Billie Sue said...

Ah ha! First to comment!!! What a fun thing to read! You seldom blog, so reading your responses was very fun! Nothing really surprised me -- I think I know you pretty well. I am so glad you have embraced the "boy" idea, as there couldn't be a better boy than my Allen. The one thing I might tell you right now so there are no surprises, is that you won't be able to boss the other boy around either! I think I have told you that about all my children -- you only get to try and guide them through your teachings! It is a daily challenge to see if you can devise a way to "guide" your children to come to the conclusion that you would like them to. I watch Olivia with Noah, and as soon as she tries to boss him, there is a total rebellion -- but when she tries to reason with him or "guide" him gently (to her decision, of course) he is all smilie and cooperative! Anyway, it was areally enjoyable to read your tag and I smiled all the way through it! Love ya!

Billie Sue said...

Oh -- by the way, I had to look at that pictures again because they were so cute. As I was studying the last picture and wondering where the "lush" flora was -- wa- la!!! I recognize my front yard! Love the picture!!! You both are so cute!

Staci said...

I was laughing my butt off at this post... I love that you booby trap the house. So great!!! If I lived where you live I would probably do the same! You really need to get addicted to i'm telling you he is always the first to report on any great happenings in the world. Once you get hooked, you will have to check his blog quite frequently so you are not the last to know~ I am so excited for your little boy, I bought you a present last week because I have a girl and it was just to cute to pass up. I'm debating whether to mail it or save it for you're shower... I think I'll mail it.

Jody said...

Very cute blog. Congrats on the baby! Little boys are so fun, maybe not as fun in the clothing department, but there is nothing like having a major crush on your own adorable little boy! Loved the post! Send along tips about your favorite make-up, I'm really lacking in this area.

Also, I loved Allen's comment on my blog about Wes. He really is the reason I decided I'd better introduce us better--I didn't want people thinking I'd married the Wes from highschool!--not really, but he has changed immensely. I'm going to try to post more about us soon, but I'm "supposed" to have written consent from Wes to post anything about him, so don't tell! ;)

Zach 'n' Amy said...

Patrice, why do you and I feel the need to squish and squeeze cheeks? (Of all shapes, sizes, and locations) It truly is one of the best parts of motherhood. Unfortunately for Zach, when the kiddies get tired of me pinching their cheeks, I go right back to pinching his. They shouldn't be so cute if they don't like it.

Giselle Rasheta said...

I LOVE this post! Thank you so much for doing the tag...I'm so glad you did! While I don't think I'll ever understand your bobby-trapping, I can definitely feel for you on reading Twilight and getting teased by your husband who's pretending to be a vampire. You should just tell Allen that he should WANT to be a vampire with perfect skin, super-human strength and speed, perfect teeth, and no need to sleep at night!

I almost cried on the part about being excited about your boy. Not only can I feel how much you are already in love with your baby, but I love seeing how much you love my brother and how lucky he is to have you. I remember Allen talking about his future and how you were the only person he ever imagined being the mother of his children, and that fairy tale came true! Thank you for being my sister, and for being my friend all along...

Billie Jo said...

Good Job Patrice! I had such a fun time just talking with you last week. I am so excited for you and Boy named Sue. You and Allen will make such cute parents. Your tags are funnier than I expected!!! Pregnancy brings out the best in us all, can't wait to see you again.

Alec and Tiffany said...

Patrice, i loved your post! Alec and I are also Law and Order fans..Alec is more a fan now than I am. I totally agree with your dream job as well! I can't wait to see your little boy, he will be so cute! Next time you guys are up here or we are down there we need to meet up!

The Preece Family said...

Hi Patrice - this was a great post. I loved catching more of a glimpse into your lives. I'm also glad you commented on our blog! Of course you're ALWAYS welcome to comment :)'s fun hearing from you after all these years.

Take care and good luck with the rest of the pregnancy!

The Gunnerson Family said...

Ha, Ha, Ha. I was laughing at all the things you said. It was really funny to read all about you even though I already knew most of it. You are such a cuite and a wonderful wife for my little brother.

Genevieve and Ryan Davis said...

You guys are so fun! We finally finished our blog, its all ready. go check it out ; Talk to you later! We need to get together!


Sue Shuppy said...

That was so cute! I'm so glad that you are excited about mini Allen. I know you'll adore him. Can't wait to see you again maybe we can catch a movie! (I guess I'll have to watch CSI and Dexter alone...)
Love mom

Chelsea Johnson said...

Oh Tricie! I loved all those answers. I love the proof of the booby-trap! Why don't you guys just get an alarm system? I can't wait for that little guy to get here---you and Allen are going to LOVE being his parents! We love you both and can't wait to see you again!

Traci said...

Ha ha ha! Okay, this post is so freaking funny. I loved it. Don't worry, I am also teased relentlessly about the Twighlight books… I’m convinced it’s jealousy. Brian (my husband) just can’t understand how I can be so in love with a fictional character named Edward Cullen.

Tyler and Mindy said...

I loved reading your tag. Kudos on the booby trapping. You are a true Vegasan or Vegan or whatever you call yourselves. A girl's got to do what a girl's got to do.

Tyler and Mindy said...

P.S.- Your hair is SOOOO cute in picture of you and Allen on the bench. I hope you don't care if I copy it??????

Anonymous said...

Nope don't mind one bit. I am getting my hair fixed next week so hopefully I will look less fat and homely.

addisonthom said...

Hey! you guys have someone named addison but it's not my blog! could you link something to my blog?

Kamal and Amber said...

Happy Birthday Allen! One more year and you will be 30!!! Where has the time gone? I like you and Patrice's new blog layout...very cute! My blog is way outdated. We have been in India for the past month and just got home. Hope you had a great day!

Kristie said...

Happy Birthday Allen! You never called me when you came to Kamas! Bad cousin! I hope you and Patrice are doing well and I am excited to see the boy named Sue!
P.S. Patrice tagged you when are you going to respond.


Anonymous said...

P and A-
I also, along with everyone else, loved this blog. I hope you guys don't mind but I check it out from time to time. I like to find out what my friends are doing. Since I never get to see you, this is the only way I can see you. Your baby boy is going to be so cute. It is fun having a wild little man to chase around. You are going to love it. We sure do. Allen, hope you had a good birthday. See ya later! Katie

Tyler and Mindy said...

Okay, I updated so I want to see new belly pictures, as promised, pronto.

Billie Sue said...

Time to answer the tag, Allen!

Tahnie said...

I love your new background on your blog! And Patrice I love your little bump. You need to put up some more pictures!

Billie Sue said...

Are you trying to trick us or what? When I went to your blog, I exclaimed, "They updated!" and Dad said, "No, they just changed the background." Come on guys!