Sunday, September 21, 2008

Six Quirks

Noah, please don't think that I just answered the quirks tag because Rick and Tim re-tagged me. I have been planning on doing it since you first tagged me. In any event, with Patrice's help, here are six of my quirks:

1. Unless there are extraordinary circumstances, I will not use a public restroom. This has resulted in many outings being cut short as I insist on heading home to the comfort of my own bathroom.

2. I love to look at the ads in the Sunday paper, and I have a specific method to do so. First, I will go through and pull out all of the ads. Next, I will arrange them in order of least favorite stores to most favorite, except that I won't put two of the same kinds of stores together (e.g., circuit city and best buy). Finally, other people cannot look at the ads until I have done so as this would risk them getting out of order.

3. I am exceptionally good at catching things with my feet. Not like a baseball or football (altough I probably could), things that are dropping to the ground (e.g., a glass, cell phone, etc.). I actually don't "catch" the object, but I can always break the fall enough that the object will be safe.

4. Patrice has pointed out that I always get a drink of water before we leave the house. This would make sense to me as it may be a while until I get another drink; however, it seems to be extremely irritating to Patrice. Apparently, it is the most irritating when I am telling her we are late and then still insist on getting a drink of water.

5. I wear a two-week pair of contacts for a minimum of five months. I believe my record is somewhere around 7 months. I refuse to be a sucker to the money-making consipracy between eye doctors and contact lens companies.

6. I love ketchup! I know that anyone with McNeil blood is reading this and thinking "that is not a quirk," but other people probably don't realize how much I love ketchup. I don't necessarily eat it on strange foods, but when I do eat it, I like to use a lot. In fact, I seem to recall eating breakfast in a certain golf course clubhouse with Rick screaming at me for using too much before I passed it to him (there were only 30 other bottles sitting on tables right next to us).

I believe the only person who hasn't answered the tag is Max, so I once again tag him. Max, let me get you started. Max has added another level to the food pyramid - string cheese. I believe the appropriate servings are 6-7 per day?

Alright, now that I have done the tag, here are some pictures of our boy:

This picture is in honor of our Aggies who got their first (hopefully not last) win of the season this weekend. Thanks Aunt Chelsea and Uncle Max for the best shirt ever!

Do not let this picture fool you. Evan HATES tummy time. In fact, he quickly learned how to roll from his tummy to his back so that he doesn't have to stay on his tummy.

Here he is being very proud that he got himself off of his tummy. Patrice puts him back on his tummy, but I like to reward him for rolling over by letting him stay on his back.

This hat is still a little too big. Luckily it will be summer in Las Vegas for many more months to come.

This is probably my favorite picture ever. This boy is going to love the snow just like dad.


Noah Rasheta said...

Allen, I'm glad you posted your quirks. I already knew about the ketchup but all the rest were new to me. I agree with the 1st one, I avoid those too. I love the pictures! Evan is getting so big so fast. I can't wait to finally meet him and see you guys when we come up for conference weekend. Take care and say hi to Patrice.

The Gunnerson Family said...

Oh you little quirkster! I would agree that I have seen all those quirks live in person. That little guys is so darling. Isn't it amazing how fast they grow? We can't wait to see you guys again soon.

The Gunnerson Family said...

Okay - I must say, you might take the cake for quirks! Cutting an outing short for the sake of getting home to your own personal bathroom is definitely too much like your mother. Having to have a drink of water prior to leaving is much like your Dad--when we arrive somewhere in the car, even if we are late--he has to have one more sip of Pepsi. This might surprise him that it is annoying to me, as I have NEVER said anything about it to him (he's got to know it bugs!). I have never bought ketcup by the case since you left home. I kind of miss that. Evan is getting so big! I can't wait for him to come to Utah in that cute, cute snow hat! It will be perfect! This says it is the Gunnersons, but it is actually Mom!

Giselle Rasheta said...

Woo hoo! Another quirk post. I'm glad you boys all did's fun to hear from the men! Although you and Patrice generally give a good mix of blogging from both of you. I love your quirks...I love imagining you doing all these things because I can see it perfectly in my head! I have often gotten the comment, "want some hashbrowns/eggs with your ketchup?" Hashbrowns aren't really supposed to be brown. They're supposed to be soft and white before they become red!
I also had to laugh out loud at your comment about Max. I cannot wait to hear your sense of humor in person over conference weekend! Oh, and finally..that boy is TO DIE FOR! I love him love him love him and he is so handsome...I must say that in the pictures with hats on he does look somewhat like Jack? Anyone agree??? Love you. Say hi to Patrice and Evan for me.

Chelsea Johnson said...

Ahh, great answers! Its funny to know things about people or to notice them, but its great when they actually point them out as their own quirks. It does get irritating when people are trying to limit the amount of ketchup!

That boy is so cute and smart. I cannot believe he can already roll over! Soon he will be sitting up, crawling and walking, and your lives will never be the same! Can't wait to see you guys!

Billie Jo said...

Oh and the quirks keep going. I am still working on that third door to secure your privacy while you are using the bathroom here. Please bring that cute little boy back to me. I miss him and I am sure he misses me too. He better get used to wearing that snow hat. We are just counting down the days til everyone gets here.

Alec and Tiffany said...

Evans is getting so big. I'm so glad you posted new pictures!

Laura said...

I'm glad you put up some new pictures of the little man. It's amazing how fast they grow when you don't see them that often.

Zach 'n' Amy said...

I had no idea bout any of those quirks. I have such insight now! Even is so extremely cute, and I love the picture with the snow hat the most too.

Tyler and Mindy said...

Allen, you are one quirky dude.

Evan is adorable. He is getting to be such a big boy, he doesn't even look like the same baby anymore. He rolls already? He must really not like tummy time.

Pays said...

Love your quirks... Your little guy is getting so big! It looks like he is bound to be an Aggie... Hey, I didn't know you were such a craftsman either!! You are "crafty" I know- ha, ha
That furniture is beautiful though!

Tiffany said...

Joel writing - Allen you are really getting into this blog fad...I won't write anything else since you know me well enough to know what I am thinking.

April and Paul said...

Hey Allen,
If you want an invite just drop me your email. You know once you accept the invite you can go to the blog just like before, there's no extra work unless your not logged in.

Let me know.

Callister said...

LOL! That was funny. I also love ketchup. I was a camp counselor some years back and my campers turned me on to ketchup and plain potato chips. Soooo good. If I know you Allen, you've already got that one down.

Like Evan, Kate doesn't particularly enjoy tummy time and has figured out the rolling over thing also. Funny, little smarties.

Giselle Rasheta said...

Uh, not to egg on your behavior or anything, but I just have to tell you that I think you're pretty much the funniest person to ever enter blog land. I laugh out loud every time I read a comment that you post. Love you bro...

(This comment comes after reading Curtis and Lauren's new potty training blog.)

Staci said...

So, I have been a huge slacker on the whole commenting thing... Let's start with:
A: How adorable is Evan in that cute little winter hat!!!
B: Why did you not come visit while up visiting family??? Hello I live right through the field...
C: About the whole wearing contacts thing... You knew you would get a comment out of me regarding this right??? STOP ruining your eyes. Do you know the damage that can be done by wearing your contacts past the date the doctor tells you??? We really don't make much money off contacts... Most of the ones we see we profit about 4 dollars a box... When you get moved up here come in, we'll order you some contacts and I will charge you just want the company charges us... Deal??? Do you want to be blind by the time your 30???
And that's all I have to say... Next time you're up you should really stop and visit.