Saturday, June 28, 2008


I hope that everyone was expecting another post all about our little boy. We have really seen a change in his demeanor over the past week or so. After weeks of tickling, poking, and prodding, trying to get Evan to wake up and eat, he is finally waking up every few hours and telling us that he is hungry. After he eats, he usually has some awake time and will eventually fall asleep, provided that one of us is holding him of course.

Evan loves to play a fun game when his diaper is being changed. The rules are pretty simple, basically Evan tries to see how many times he can go to the bathroom without a diaper on, and then tries to beat his record the next time. The funny thing is it seems to be a game especially reserved for dad. There are bonus points depending on what type of mess, distance, and coverage on dad. We took a picture of his high score below.
Every morning when Evan wakes me up, I get him out of bed and lay him by his mom so that she can hear him fussing and feed him. Sometimes she is able to convince him to go back to sleep for just a bit.

Evan likes to be trendy sporting his pink binky.No matter how tightly we wrap him before bed, he manages to work his arms free during the night.

Patrice has really been working with Evan to open his mouth wide for eating. It is certainly paying off for both Evan and Patrice.
Evan has graduated from premie clothes to his newborn outfits. We haven't weighed him lately, but I'm guessing he has reached the 7 lb mark.
Here Evan is getting ready for game time with dad (see above).
Evan actually doesn't mind taking a bath. His little tub with the hammock thing works so well (thanks again Staci). He only looks calm in this picture because he didn't see mom coming with a gallon of lotion.
I know Patrice is still getting some cards out, but thanks to everyone for all of the baby gifts!


Billie Jo said...

I am so glad to see what you have been up to. I was begining to wonder if the heat had melted your computer and the keyboard was frazzled bacause Patrice called me to tell me some random people were making comments on my blog so I went to check, of course expecting to see a comment from the McNeil family as well and there were actually no comments from the McNeil family just the two random people she warned me about. So I was a little confused, but now I know that your keyboard is back in gear because you updated and I saw that Patrice commented on Olivia's blog so hopefully sometime soon I will see a comment on my blog as well. Ok enough begging! I cannot believe how big Evan is getting. That is if you consider 7 pounds big. His cheeks are so full and definately pinchable. I hope Patrice to taking it easy on his cheeks. After all she said all she wants to do is pinch cute little cheeks. I do love the picture of the poop or should I say CRAP. Just one of the joys of parentiing. So far Evan has your competitive spirit with this game as well. I just hope you don't have any ping pong paddles around when his game goes sour. I love all three of you so much and can't wait to see you!

Chelsea Johnson said...

Ahhh, I remember the days when Jack weighed 7 lbs....I think I was about 6 months pregnant and my heart burn was raging!!!! He is so stinking cute! He looks completely different and I cannot wait to see him in person this weekend!!!!!!! It sounds like your parenting skills are amazing. Isn't it crazy to see so much stuff come out of one little body?

Billie Sue said...

Evan is looking like a little baby now raather than a brand new, preemie, newborn! I am proud of his competetive skills and happy to know that he is working on them at such an early age! I can't wait to have you guys here for the weekend and am so excited to pinch those little full cheekies!

Anonymous said...

Wow! It's so fun to see pictures of Evan and see the resemblance to both of you. I bet your having so much fun with this stage of his life and making so many fun memories. I can't wait to see you guys and meet Evan. It's hard being down here so far away from everyone and feeling isolated from all the memories and experiences going on up there but soon I should be able to get away for a bit to come visit. Giselle and I should try to come up for a weekend since we're not to terribly far from Vegas. You guys take care and keep posting pictures. -Noah

Anonymous said...

It is totally fine to have your blog be all about that cute little guy, after all isn't that just about the only thing going on in your life right now? He is so cute, and sounds like things are getting into a good rhythmn. Eli also likes to poop and pee when his diaper is off, but I've never actually seen poop shoot that far out before to get on your shoulder. He must have some very strong bowels! We can't wait to get together this weekend and introduce Evan and Eli.

Love, Olivia

Genevieve and Ryan Davis said...

All I have to say is cute, cute and more cute!! I am so glad he is feeding better! (I told you Patrice that it would start getting only if you could get some sleep now???)

Giselle Rasheta said...

Wow, for real? How did that poop even get on your shoulder????? Wow, remind me to stay far away when that kid is loaded!

Ah, he's SO cute! I cannot believe I will not be here for the blessing--wish I would have known ONE DAY sooner what the plan was before I bought my tickets to come to Utah. Oh well, I'm sure everyone will be fighting over getting to play with the babies anyway, and I will get to see Evan again soon since Noah really wants to come up and see you guys and him sometime soon... I love you guys. Maybe I'll see you on the 4th??? When do you get here?

Tyler and Mindy said...

He is cute. Depending on the dollar amount of Evan's dowry, we might be willing to consider an arranged marriage with our daughter. That is is Evan likes older, taller ladies.

Rowe Family said...

It was great seeing you guys and I LOVED seeing the baby. Thanks again for the rodeo tickets...we had a blast!!

Billie Sue said...

Ummmm....I'd like to at least see some pictures of my new grandson!!!!

Staci said...

Can we please get new pictures of your cute kid... It's been a month. I bet he doesn't even look the same... MORE PICTURES!!!!

kara said...

It was fun to see you guys last weekend! Your little boy is beautiful! You did some good work there! Good luck leaving Las Vegas. I hope it's not another 10 years before I see you again!

The DiStefano Family said...

So I just asked Gent if he wanted me to add you to our friends link and he said..."Yeah, well I don't know cuz he didn't say bye to me at the reunion." haha I think he is a little hurt Allen! I changed my blog back so you can't give me crap anymore. Anyway it was good to see you guys.

The DiStefano Family said...

I didn't say that, don't believe my wife. It was cool to see you guys at the reunion. I totally got in your head while golfing. I also think you need to update your blog. Give me a call sometime, oh yea, you never got my number and I never got yours so I am actually mad at you for not saying bye to me at the reunion. Never talk to me again!

Tyler and Mindy said...

Um... I am sure that Evan won't mind if you put him down for a minute to update your blog. You could blog about his first night out with Anthem.

Kevin, Wendy, Ambria & Kylie said...

HI Patrice, of course I remember you, in fact, I left a message on your blog in May. I figured you didnt want to respond, but after reading your email it sounds like you didnt even recieve it!
Im so happy to hear from you. I wanted to talk to you a long time ago. I asked Kristen Webster (Garn) if she had your info and she didnt. so I had no idea how to get a hold of you. anyways I would love to chat more. please email me your email address

Annilee said...

Wow, Patrice, I am so glad that you stalked into me, it is great to see how you are doing. Your little guy is so sweet, I bet you are having so much fun with a newborn. In answer to your question, Rachael does not have a blog...she doesn't even have the internet at her house. I don't know how she survives. I will have to tell her your blog address though, I know she will love to see how you are. She just moved from Kearns to West Jordan, Ayrista just turned 4 and Brigham turned 2 in June. She is doing great! Hope that you start to get some sleep soon, enjoy being a mom! And PS-good for Cassie to serve a mission-I heard about her husband and I am glad that she has found something she loves! Take care, I will check in on you but you have to post more often!